Restorative Services

Restorative Services

Tooth Colored Fillings

Our teeth are susceptible to cavities. If these cavities are not properly diagnosed and restored in timely fashion, it can have detrimental effect on the teeth. In other words cavities are infections of tooth material thus these has to be treated as soon as detected. Tooth colored filling is light cured composite restorative material that is filled after removing the infectious portion of tooth. It helps to stop the further progression of tooth decay leading to healthy tooth.

Root Canal Treatment

In the Oral cavity we have maximum of 32 teeth and each tooth has its own blood supply and nerve supply. Every tooth has outer enamel layer middle dentin and inner pulp. Dental pulp is the enclosed inside the tooth having all the blood & nerve supply. In the tooth decay progresses from outer to inner layer. When the progression of cavity reaches the pulp then the only treatment option left is Root Canal Treatment. In root canal as the name implies cleaning of the root canals is done then filling with the Gutta Parcha Material. It is the most acceptable treatment for the badly decayed teeth.


In cases when the decay is more, and filling with the composite may not solve the purpose, then infected portion of tooth is replaced with onlay or inlay depending upon the nature of decay. Onlay is laboratory fabricated material that is replaces the lost or decayed tooth matter.


It is tooth shaped cover or cap that is placed over the teeth to restore function or esthetics. Crown is placed in place with the luting cement. Crowns are recommended in weak tooth, fractured tooth, and in the region where there is esthetic concern.
There are certain materials used in to fabricate tooth crowns, that include metal / Gold Crowns, Porcelain Fused to metal (PFM) crowns, Metal free/E-max crowns, Zirconia (Cerecon, Lava, etc.) Crowns. Depending upon area of concerns and finances particular recommendation is made.


Bridge is artificial prosthesis that is used to replace the missing tooth or teeth. They span the space where teeth are missing, bridges are cemented to adjacent natural teeth for the support.

Dental Implants

A dental Implant is a titanium post ( like a tooth root ) that is surgically positioned into the jawbone that allows dentist to place replacement teeth. Detailed procedures are recommendations are discussed in implant section.

Partial Dentures

It is an artificial removable partial teeth replacement. In a partially edentulous (Missing Teeth) patient it helps to restore the missing teeth. It has to be removed & cleaned everyday to maintain proper oral hygiene. It is recommended in the patient who wants to replace the missing teeth for functional and aesthetic reasons but cannot have a bridge or implant due to lack of required support from teeth or bone. In case of financial concern removable partial dentures are also recommended.

Complete Dentures

It is an artificial removable prosthesis to replace all the missing teeth in the oral cavity. It serve the similar function as natural teeth that is, chewing, eating, esthetics and facial shape. Patient has to remove them everyday to maintain proper hygiene.