Cosmetic Services

Cosmetic Services


A dental Veneer is shell or a layer of tooth colored porcelain or composite that is placed over the outer surfaces of teeth for better aesthetics. Veneers are used to create the natural look of teeth that has discolored, worn or cracked enamel. Veneers are different from crowns as the crowns cover the whole tooth structure and veneers are placed on front side only. Veneers are so thin that they can be directly bonded to the outer tooth surface and may not even require any reduction of the underlying teeth.


Tooth whitening and bleaching is cosmetic dental procedure that helps to remove stains and discoloration. It is also done to only when the teeth can be whitened beyond its natural color. Bleaching is most effective in removing only the extrinsic tooth stains i.e stains or defects that are limited to enamel only. Two major teeth whitening option are available today are: – In office bleach , Home bleach.

In office bleach: – Significant color change in a short period of time is the major benefit of in whitening; It is highly skilled procedure in which high concentration of hydrogen peroxide gel is applied on teeth by trained dental professionals.

Home bleach: – Professionally dispensed take-home kits can produce the best results over the long time. These home kits incorporate the easy to use lower concentration peroxide gel that remains on teeth for an hour or so. The get is applied to the teeth using the custom made bleaching trays that resemble mouth guards.

Smile Design

Smile design is the process of improving the individual’s smile to have better aesthetics. It is basically a protocol of managing shapes, contours, and color of the teeth as they appear in the smile and a balance is maintained with the elements of function and health that are specified for each individual. It involves complete planning as per personal needs and concerns of patient. Various treatment options are discussed in the designing of beautiful smile thus giving patient a wide range of flexibility and choices